News Journal from Mansfield, Ohio (2024)

36 Mansfield News Journal Wednesday, April 29, 1964 GARDEN BY A a HOME SHOW OPENS Mrs. John F. Miefert, 930 Linwood regional vice president of the Garden Club of Ohio, admires the garden display at the Mansfield Home Show, which will run through Saturday at North Lake Park Coliseum. The Optimist-sponsored show opened last night. On The Records Mansfield Hospital Notes Hospital Notes GENERAL HOSPITAL Admissions-Kenneth Keifer, East Fifth Mrs.

South Mrs. Adolph WitzCurtis Zeiter, an hington ky, Mt. Zion James Reinhart, 325 North Main Mrs. Richard Blackledge, 355 Muth Mrs. Stearl Brown, 865 Fairfax Mrs.

Bertha Phelps, Wolfe Norine Daugherty, 136 West-: ern Mrs. Harvey Weigler, 1990 Mansfield-Washington Allen W. Adkins, 321 Fifth Willard D. Snyder, Shreve, RD Sam Goble, 93 Ford Larry E. Davis, 486 Burns Mrs.

Thomas Hupp, 121 Reba Ora Long, 523 Connor Jeffrey Jolley, 300 Redwood Mrs. Don Hipsher, 759 Crestwood Percy Johnson, 79 Newlan Place; David Mahoney, 108 Malone Mrs. William A. Cochran, 804 Dresden Mary Hope Frazee, 542 Springmill Theresa Hess, 292 Wayne Robert Brant, Lewis Marcus C. Grassbauch, 55 Hilltop Mrs.

James B. Johnson, 51 Melody Lane; Mrs. Donald E. Battig, 92 Rowland Jennifer Ernsberger, 401 Davidson Mrs. William O'Leary, 19 Greenwood Mrs.

Leslie Piroska, 967 Benedict Harry C. James, Butler; Mrs. Robert E. Cunningham, Bellville; Mrs. John L.

Matthes, 600 Ashland Mrs. James Stimens, 1062 Woodville Mrs. Louis R. Garcia, 151 West Third Mrs. Paul Scott, 315 West Fifth Mrs.

Robert B. Wolf, 224 West Third Elizabeth J. Cameron, 74 Parkwood Mrs. Willie G. Cains, 303 Arbor Mrs.

Glenn Phillips, Lexington; Glennis F. Moore, Plymouth; Mrs. Barry Shutt, 87 West Cook Rd. Releases Mrs. Christian Hogenbirk and son, 136 Chandler Place; Mrs.

James Lambert, 2526 Bowman Mrs. Thompson, 119 Clarencome Mrs. Darrell Edington and daughter, 362 West Third Christina M. Curatti, Ashland; Benjamin Shaw 375 East First Gregory D. Crone, Chew Richard D.

LaDere, 272 Hedges Mrs. John H. Eliot, 904 Benedict John P. Knapp, 221 Bartley Margaret R. Filiback, 62 Alpine David W.

Gleason, 409 Sherwood James Perkins, 475 South Diamond Mrs. Max Arnold, 242 Sohio Proposes Stock Split The board of directors of The Standard Oil has proposed a two-for-one split of the company's common stock. At the same time the rectors increased the cash dividend by declaration of 75 cents per share on common stock, payable on June 10 to stockholders of record May 15. In March of this year, a cash dividend of 65 cents per share was paid on common stock. The split is subject to approval by stockholders at a special meeting to be held July 1.

Tuberculosis takes an annual toll of about 20 thousand lives in the United States. I Oil Truck Damaged MT. GILEAD An oil field service truck, owned by the L. and H. Service Co.

and driven by Raymond Powell of Owensboro, was set on fire by a short in the battery wire yesterday on County Rd. 230, near here. Damage totaled $350, according to the Mt. Gilead Fire Department. CASE NO.

40571 First Knox National Bank VS. Gerald Huntsman, et al. Pursuant of an order of sale Issued by. the Court of Common Pleas of Richland County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at Public Auction on the 8th day of May, 1964, beginning at 10 o'clock a. on the second floor of the Court House of said County, in the City of Mansfield, the following described Real Estate: Situated in the Village of Bellville, County of Richland, State of Ohio and being Lot Number Three Hundred Seventy-three (373) of the consecutively numbered lots in said Village as shown at Volume 6, Pages 7 and 8 of Plats and being 66 feet on the west side of East Street and extending back between parallel lines feet as appears at said plat.

Also situated in the Village of Bellville, County of Richland, State of Ohio and being the east 40 feet of Lot Number Three Hundred Seventy-four (374) of the consecutively numbered lots in said Vil7 lage and as 8 and shown at being 40 Volume feet 6, on Pages the south side of Hines Avenue and extending back 66 feet on the west side of East Street as appears at said Plat. on Being East Street, further known Bellville, as Ohio, belocated tween Hines Avenue and an unnamed alley, which cross or intersect said East Street, immediately north and south, respectively, of said property. Being further known as the forty foot frontage on Hines Avenue and One Hundred Thirtytwo foot frontage on East Street at the southwest corner of the intersection of Hines Avenue and East Street. Terms of Sale' Cash, for not less than two-thirds of the appraised value. Lot No.

373 appraised at $1,000.00. Lot No. 374 appraised at $1,700.00. Said premises located at corner of Hines and East Street, Bellville, Ohio. Thomas Welkel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio.

By: Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy. Robert K. Rath, Attorney, (April 8-15-22-29 May 6 64 NJ 08318) ORDINANCE NO.

64-144 By Mr. Berkey: An Ordinance to provide the Issuance of notes of the City of Mansfield, Ohio, for the purpose of renewing and retiring a like amount of notes issued in anticipation of the levy of special assessments and of the issuance of bonds for the acquisition and construction of a MunIcipal Off-Street Parking Facility, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 64- 83, passed March 17, 1964, this Council determined the necessity of I renewing and extending the outstanding $426,220 Off-Street Parking Facility Notes which will mature on May 1, 1964, and which, in turn, were issued to renew and retire the original notes dated May 1, 1962, issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 61- 245, amended, passed or of November selling 21, new 1961, notes, as in either case for the purpose of meeting and maturing obligations as of May 1, 1964, pending completion of the project and of the assessment procedure thereon: and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted by said Ordinance No.

64-83 the Auditor has by negotiation determined most and reported advantageous to Council procedure for the City would be to issue and sell new notes maturing as hereinafter provided, the proceeds of which would be used to pay off and retire the maturing notes aforesaid, and has arranged a sale of said notes provided: to bear interest as hereinafter NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANSFIELD, STATE OF OHIO: SECTION 1. That in anticipation of the issuance of the assessment bonds provided for in Sections 1 and 2 Ordinance No. 61-245, incorporated herein by reference except that such bonds shall bear date not than April 1, 1965, and for the purpose of renewing and retiring the $426,220 Off-Street Parking Facility Notes dated May 1, 1963, at their maturity, it is necessary and this Council hereby determines that notes in the aggregate principal amount of $426,220 shall be issued. to be dated May 1, 1964.

The notes herein authorized shall bear interest at the rate of 2.31% per annum, payable at maturity, shall be in such denominations as the purchasers may request, shall mature on April 30, 1965, shall be numbered consecutively commencing with No. 1, and shall be payable at the office of the legal depositary of the City, presently The First National Bank of Mansfield, Mansfield, Ohio. SECTION 2. That such notes shall be executed by the Mayor and Auditor: shall bear the corporate seal of the City; and shall express on their faces the purpose for which they are issued and that they are issued pursuant to this Ordinance. SECTION 3.

That, subject to rejection of said notes by the City Treasurer as officer in charge of the Bond Retirement Fund, said notes are hereby awarded and sold to McDonald and Company in accordance with their proposal and at the par value of said notes plus accrued interest: and the Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to deliver said notes, when executed. to said purchasers upon payment of the purchase price. The proceeds from such sale, except accrued interest thereon, shall be paid into the proper fund and used for the purpose aforesaid. for which purpose said money is hereby appropriated. Any accrued interest shall be transferred to the Bond Retirement Fund to be applied in the payment of principal and Interest of said notes in the manner provided by law.

SECTION 4. Said notes shall be the full general obligation of the City of Mansfield and the full faith, credit and revenue of said City are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the same. The par value to be received from the sale of the bonds anticipated by said notes and any excess fund resulting from the issuance of said notes, shall, to the extent necessary, be used only for the retirement of said notes at maturity, together with interest thereon, and is hereby pledged for such purpose. SECTION 5. All assessments collected for the Off-Street Facility and any unexpended balance in the improvement fund after the cost and expense of said Improvement have been paid shall be applied to the payment of said notes and the interest thereon until both are fully provided for.

In the event such assessments are not levied or bonds are not issued to provide a fund for payment of said notes at maturity, a general tax shall be levied against all of the taxable property in said City for the payment of such notes and the interest thereon. SECTION 6. It is hereby determined and reeited that all acts, conditions and things necessary to be done precedent to and in the issuing of said notes in order to make them legal, valid and binding obligations of the City of Mansfield, have happened, been done and performed in regular and due form as required by Law: that no limitation of indebtedness or taxation, either statutory or constitutional, will have been exceeded in the Issuance of said notes. SECTION 7. The Clerk of Council is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Ordinance to the County Auditor.

SECTION 8. That this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency, measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare of said City and for the further reason that the Immediate issuance of the notes herein authorized is necessary to enable the City to retire the outstanding notes at maturity and thereby to preserve the credit of the City: wherefore, this Ordiance shall be In full force and effect from and Immediately after its passage and approval by the Mayor, providing it receives the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members elected to Council, otherwise from and after the earliest time allowed by Law. Passed: April 21. 1964. Signed: Paul W.

Bush President of Council Attest: James A. Bollinger. Clerk of Council. Approved: Charles H. Scott.

Mayor Approved as to form: Robert K. Rath. City Solicitor. (April 29, May 6, '64 08380) Studies have shown that from third to one-half of the water in the home is used in flushing the toilet. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Richland County.

COMMON PLEAS COURT. West Side Federal Savings Association, of New York City, Plaintiff vs. Kermit G. Cox, et defendant. Case No.

31,153, In pursuant of an Order of Sale issued in the above entitled action, will offer for sale at Public Auction. on the second floor of the Court House in the above named County, on Friday, the 1st day of May 1964, at 10 o'clock A. the following described real estate, situated in the County of Richland, and State of Ohio, and in the City of Mansfield to wit: Known as Lot Number Two Thou- sand Six Hundred Twenty-Eight (No. 2628) of the consecutively numbered lots in said City as shown on the recorded plat at Volume 4, Page 19 of plats. Said Premises Located at 126 N.

Benton Mansfield. 0. Said Premises Appraised at 700.00. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Thomas E.

Welkel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio. Weldon, Huston Keyser, Attorney. By Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy, 1-8-15-22-29 '64- 08291) SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Richland ty.

COMMON PLEAS COURT. First National Bank of Mansfield, Plaintiff, vs. Lazar V. Kostoff, et al, Defendant. Case of No.

40973. Order of Sale pursuant an issued in the above entitled action, will offer for sale at Public Auction, on the second floor of the Court House in the above named County, 1964 on at 10 Friday, o'clock the 22nd day of May, the following the described real Richland, estate, situated in County of and State of Ohio, and in the City of Mansfield to wit: And being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 21, Range 18 and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of said Quarter Section with the center of the West Fourth Street Road; thence South, along the East line of said Quarter Section (being the center of Trimble Road) 130 feet; thence West at right angles to said East line, 105 feet; thence South parallel with said East line, 50 feet; thence West, at right angles to said East line, 140.5 feet to the East line of City Farms Allotment: thence North, parallel with the East line of said Quarter Section to the center of the West Fourth Street Road; thence Easterly along the centerline of said road to the place of beginning, and subject to all legal highways, together with the eastment rights described in Deed Volume 368, Page 329. Excepting therefrom the following: Situated in the City of Mansfield, County of Richland and State of Ohio, and being a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 21, Range 18 and described as follows: Beginning at the point intersection of the original centerline of the Mansfield-Crestline Road and the East line of said Quarter Section which is also the centerline of Trimble Road (C. H. 281); thence South along said East line 35.89 feet to the centerline of the construction; thence continuing South along said East line 86.32 feet to the principal place of beginning: thence West with a deflection to the right of 90 degrees, 39 minutes, 105.01 feet: thence South and with an interior angle of 89 degrees, 21 minutes and parallel to the East line of said Quarter Section 9 feet: thence East with an interior angle of 90 degrees, 00 minutes, 105 feet to the East line of said Quarter Section: thence North with an interior angle of 90 degrees, 00 minutes along said East line 7.79 feet to the principal place of beginning, containing 0.02 acres more or less but subject to all legal highways, (Premises are also known as and located at 1049 West Fourth Street Road, Mansfield, Ohio.) Said Premises Located at 1049 West Fourth Street Road, Mansfield.

Ohio. (Loff Restaurant) Said Premises Appraised at 000.00. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Thomas E. Weikel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio.

By Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy. Gongwer, Murray, Brown Bemiller, Attorney, (April 22-29 May 6-13-20 '64 NJ 08349) ORDINANCE NO. 64-137 By Mr.

McCarrick: Amending the City Code of 1954, adopted 7 December, 1954, as amended, supplementing the same with requirements for non conforming Yards within the City of Mansfield. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANSFIELD, STATE OF OHIO: SECTION 1. That the City Code of 1954, adopted 7 December, 1954. as amended, be, and the same is hereby, amended by supplementing the same with new sections which shall be numbered and which shall read as follows: "Section 36.96 Definitions. As used in Sections 36.96 to 36.100, inclusive: (A) "Junk" means old or scrap copper, brass, rope, rags, batteries, paper, rubber, junked, dismantled.

or wrecked automobiles or parts thereof, iron, steel, and other old or scrap ferrous or nonferrous materials which are not held for sale for remelting purposes to an establishment having facilities for processing such materials. (B) "Junk means an establishment or place of business, (other than an establishment having facilities for processing iron, steel, or nonferrous scrap and whose principal product is scrap iron and steel or non-ferrous scrap for sale for remelting purposes), which is maintained or operated for the purpose of storing, keeping, buying, or selling junk, or for the maintenance or operation of an automobile graveyard, except an establishment or place where automobiles, wrecked or otherwise, are held or exceed impounded for a period not to ninety days exclusively for storage, repair, or resale without alteration. (C) "Fence" means an enclosure at least six feet in height, constructed of non-transparent material, and maintained so as to obscure the junk in the enclosure from the ordinary view of persons passing upon the state, county. township, and City roads in this City. Section 36.97.

Junk Yard Fences. (A) Any person operating or maintaining a junk yard within one thousand feet of a state or county road or within three hundred feet of a Township or City street, road or highway, prior to the effective date of this section, shall have one year thereafter to erect a required fence if such junk yard is not obscured by natural objects. (B) If, after the effective date of this act, by reason of annexation of area to the City, an existing Junk Yard becomes situate within the City as a zoning non-conforming user, such Junk Yard, if situate within one thousand feet of a State or County road or within three hundred feet of a Township or City street, road or highway, shall have one year thereafter to erect a required fence if such Junk Yard is not obscured by natural objects. Section 36.98. Fence requirements.

Any fence constructed under seetions 36.96 to 36.100, inclusive, shall be neatly constructed, shall be nontransparent, shall be kept in good order and repair, and no advertisem*nt shall be permitted thereon other than the name and the nature of the business conducted therein. Section 36.99 Injunction. Whenever the City Solicitor is of the opinion that a Junk Yard 1s being operated or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of Section 36.96 to 36.100, inclusive, he may apply, in the name of the City, to a court of competent Jurisdiction, alleging the violation of and praying for an injunction or other proper reliet. In such a case the court may order such Junk Yard abated as a nuisance or make such other order as may be proper. An action brought under this section shall not be deemed to be a bar to a prosecution under section 36.100.

Section 36.100. Penalty, (A) Whoever violates sections 36.96 to 36.100, inclusive, shall be fined not less than Twenty-Five nor more than One Thousand Dollars and the costs of prosecution" SECTION 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest time allowed by Law. Passed: April 21, 1964. Signed: Paul W.

Bush, President of Council. Attest: James A. Bollinger, Clerk of Counell. Approved: Charles H. Scott, Mayor.

Approved as to form: Robert K. Rath, City Solicitor. (April 29 May 6 '64 NJ 08379) ORDINANCE NO. 64-114 By Mr. Berkey: Vacating part of an unnamed alley lying between Lots Nos.

3122 and 2123 of the consecutive lots in the City of Mansfield, and extending from Arlington Avenue north a distance of 160 feet to an un-named alley. WHEREAS, a petition was duly presented to Couneil dated 26 April, 1963, signed by the owners of the Lots adjacent and abutting upon parts of streets which petition prayed that said parts of streets be vacated. and WHEREAS, said petition was approved by the City Planning Commission on the 13th day of June, 1963, and WHEREAS, Council, upon hearings, is. satisfied that there is good cause for such vacation as prayed and that it will not be detrimental to the general interest, and ought to be made. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANSFIELD, STATE OF OHIO: SECTION 1.

That part of an unnamed alley between Lots Number 3122 on the East and 3123 on the West, and extending Northerly from Arlington Avenue, a distance of 160 feet to an unnamed alley be, and the same 1s hereby, vacated: that all easem*nts and utility rights therein be, and the same are hereby, reserved. SECTION 2. That any costs incurred by the City incident to publication, or otherwise, shall be paid by Eugene Newlon, Agent, SECTION 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest time allowed by Law. SIGNED: PASSED: Paul April W.

1964. Bush, President of Council. ATTEST: James A. Bollinger, Clerk of Council. APPROVED: Charles H.

Scott, Mayor. Approved as to form: Robert K. Rath, City Solicitor. (April 22-29 -J08352) SHERIFF'S SALE OR REAL ESTATE 500.00. TERMS OF SALE: CASH.

Thomas Weikel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio. Weldon, Huston Keyser, Attorney. By Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy.

The State of Ohio, Richland County. COMMON PLEAS COURT. Cecilia M. Ciphers, aka Cecilia M. Schwaner and Cecilia: M.

Harpster, Plaintiff vs. Philip O. Schwaner, et Defendant. Case No. 40183.

In pursuant of an Order of Sale In titled Partition action, I issued will in the offer above for sale enat Public Auction, on the second floor of the Court House In above named County, on Friday, 1st day of May 1964, at 10 o'clock A. the following described real estate, situated in the County of Richland, and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Troy to wit: Parcel No. 1, being a part of the Southwest Quarter in Section 27, Township 20, Range 19 and beginning at a point on the Northwest Quarter Section line 670 feet east of the center of Needham Road (T. H. 419): thence South 0 degrees 3 minutes West 1035 feet; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 1432.59 feet a distance of 412.5 feet: thence South 58 degrees 58 minutes East 620 feet to the center of S.

R. 42: thence Northeasterly in the center of S. R. 42 to a point 620 feet Southwesterly from the East quarter section line as measured in the center of S. R.

42; thence continuing in a Northeasterly direction to a point on the North quarter section line which point is 100 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Quarter Section: thence west on the North Quarter Section line to the place of beginning containing 37 acres more or less but subject to all legal highways. Said Premises Located at U. S. Route 42 South of Lexington, also known as Mansfield-Mt. Gilead Road.

Said Premises Appraised at (April 1-8-15-22-29 '64-J 08289) SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Richland County. COMMON PLEAS COURT. Peoples Federal Savings Loan Association, Plaintiff, VS. Vera B. Yohn, et al, Defendant.

Case No. 41127. In pursuant of an Order of Sale issued in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at Public Auction, on the second floor of the Court House in the above named County, on Friday, the 22nd day of May, 1964 at 10 o'clock a. the following described real estate, situated in the County of Richland, and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Medison to wit: And being part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 21, Range 18 and described as follows: Beginning at a point 25 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Quarter Section and 30 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Quarter Section: thence North along the West side of Trimble Road (T. H.

281) 75 feet: thence West parallel to the South line of said Quarter Section 130 feet; thence South parallel to the West line of Trimble Road 75 feet; thence East 130 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.22 acre, more or less. The premises are now known as Lot Fifteen Thousand, Three Hundred Ninety-nine (15,399) of the consecutively numbered lots in the City of Mansfield, County of Richland, State of Ohio, save and except the westrly 10 feet thereof. Said Premises Located at 361 North Trimble Road, Mansfield, Ohio. Said Premises Appraised at 300.00. TERMS OF SALE: CASH.

Thomas E. Weikel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio. By Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy Gongwer, Murray, Brown Bemiller, Attorney.

(April 22-29 May 6-13-20 '64 NJ 08350) I ORDINANCE NO. 64-145 By Mr. Lowrey: Amending Section 14.136 (Recreation Department) of the City Code of 1954, adopted 7 December, 1954, as amended, SO as to change the salary scales of Recreation Department Personnel, and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL THE CITY OF MANSFIELD, STATE OF OHIO: Section 1. That Section 14.136 (Recreation Department) of the Code of 1954, adopted 7 December, 1964, as amended, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: Section 14.136 Recreation Department.

The Recreation Department of the City shall be composed of the following personnel. a. One Director of Recreation who shall be paid a salary of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) per year and an allowance of eight cents per mile for travel in a personal vehicle in the course of his duties. b. One Clerk-Secretary to the Director of Recreation who shall recelve a salary of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) per year.

c. Supervisor of Playgrounds and Tot Lots who shall receive a salary of not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) per summer season. d. Playground Director and Assistant Director. Baseball Supervisors who shall each receive a salary of not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) per season.

f. Softball Supervisors who shall receive a salary of not less than Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) nor more than Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) per season, Tennis Supervisors. Three (3) Women's Recreation Supervisors who shall receive a wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour. 1. Three (3) Men's Recreation Supervisors who shall each receive No.

of Previous years of City High School Recreation Status Service Jr. Sr. Grad, Department $1.00 $1.05 $1.15 SUMO I 1.10 1.20 1.25 I SECTION 2. That by reason of the immediate necessity of establishing conducive wage scales to permit employment of necessary personnel this measure is declared to be an emergency Ordinance for the Immediate preservation of the public peace, safety and welfare of the City of Mansfield and its inhabitants and providing it receives the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members elected to Council, it shall take effect and be in force im-1 SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Richland County. COMMON PLEAS COURT.

The Mechanics Building Loan Company, Plaintiff vs, Odell Smith, et Defendant. Case No. 41142. In pursuant of an Order of Sale issued in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at Public Auction, on the second floor of the Court House in the above named County, on Friday, the 8th day of May 1964, at 10 o'clock A. the following described real estate, situated in the County of Richland, and State of Ohio, and in the City of Mansfield to wit: And being the North half of Lot Number Thirteen Hundred Seventeen (No.

1317) of the consecutive numbers of lots in said City as recorded in Plat Book 2, No. 3, Page 19, and being 30 feet on the Westerly side of Wayne Street and Ing back between parallel lines 180 feet to a 16 foot alley, as shown on said plat. Said Premises Located at 479 Wayne Street, Mansfield, O. Said Premises Appraised at 900.00. TERMS OF SALE: CASH.

Thomas E. Welkel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio. Wagner Bur, Attorney. By Capt. Jack R.

Bistline, Deputy. (April 8-15-22-29 May 1 '64 08293) SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Richland County. COMMON PLEAS COURT. Johnstown Savings Bank, Plaintiff, vs. Emerson C.

Allen et al, Defendant. Case No. 41117. In pursuant of an Order of Sale Issued in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at Public Auction, on the second floor of the Court House in the above named County, on Friday, the 8th day of May, 1964 at 10 o'clock a. the following described real estate, situated in the County of Richland, and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Springfield to wit: Being known as.

Lot Number Two Hundred Twelve (212) in Westwood Park Allotment as shown at Volume Page 24 of Plats and being 55 feet on the southerly side of Tanglewood Drive South and extending back between parallel lines 160 feet as appears at said plat. Said plat is located within the incorporated Village of Ontario. Said Premises Located at 1921 Tanglewood Drive, Westwood Park, Ontario, Said Premises Appraised at 300.00. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Thomas E.

Weikel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio. By Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy. Weldon, Huston Keyser, Attorney.

(April, 8-15-22-29 08317) May 6 '64 ORDINANCE NO. 64-129 By Mr. Troll: Amending subsection 1. E. of Ordinance No.

63-257, passed 3 September, 1963, SO as to clarify Lessee's rights at the Mansfield Municipal Airport and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANSFIELD, STATE OF OHIO: SECTION 1. That subsection 1. E. of Ordinance No.

63-257, passed 3 September, 1963, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: Article Section 3. 3. Lessor does hereby further grant and let unto the Lessee a concession and right to sell and furnish aviation petroleum products, or substitutes or substitutions therefor, for the Airport. This lease does not grant, and the Lessee shall not exercise, or permit, any exclusive right for the use of the Airport forbidden by Section 308 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958; and does not grant to the Lessee, its tenants and sublessees any right or privilege which would firm operate to prevent any person, or corporation operating aircraft on the Airport from performing any services on its own aircraft with its own employees (including, but not limited to, maintenance and repair) that it may choose to perform. The Lessee and its tenants agree to keep accurate books, records, and accounts of the purchase and sale of aircraft fuel delivered to it on the Airport premises and by the Lessee and its tenants sold to varlous customers.

Lessee further agrees that it and its tenants shall make available for audit monthly statements of its suppliers as to the amount of aircraft fuel and aircraft lubricants delivered to it on the SECTION 2. That the ServiceSafety Director be, and he is hereby, authorized on behalf of the City of Mansfield, to enter into an addendum Agreement with Richland Aviation, to amend provisions of the lease dated 17 August, 1959, as amended, to conform to the changes SECTION made 3. In Section One above. That by reason of the immediate necessity of complying Federal Regulations in order that proposed improvements are not delayed, and to allow the opportunity of beginning construction at the earliest possible time this measure is declared to be an emergency Ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public peace, welfare and safety of the City of Mansfield and its inhabitants, and providing it receives the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members elected to Council it shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor, otherwise from and after the earliest time allowed by Law. Passed: April 21, 1964.

Signed: Paul W. Bush, President of Council. Attest: James A. Bollinger, Clerk of Council. Approved: Charles H.

Scott, Mayor. Approved as to form: Robert K. Rath. City Solicitor. (April 29 May 6 '64 08377) wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour.

j. Five (5) Girls' Recreation Supervisors each of whom shall receive a wage of Two Dollars ($2.00) per hour. k. Ten (10) Winter Play Center Supervisors each of whom shall receive a wage of Two Dollars ($2.00) per hour. 1.

Twelve (12) Basketball Supervisors each of whom shall receive a wage of Two Dollars ($2.00) per hour. m. One (1) Touch Football Supervisor who shall receive a wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour. n. Three (3) Gymnastics Instructors each of whom shall receive a wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour.

0. Two (2) Square Dance Instructors each of whom shall receive wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour. p. Two (2) Bridge Instructors each of whom shall receive a wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour. q.

Three (3) Youth Club Supervisors each of whom shall receive a wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour. r. Arts and Crafts Instructors. S. Two (2) Baton Twirling Instructors each of whom shall recelve a wage of Two mind Dollars ($2.50) per hour.

Eix (6) Basketball Score-Keepers each of whom shall receive a wage of One Dollar ($1.00) per hour. Six (6) Football Score-Keepers each of whom shall receive a wage of One Dollar ($1.00) per hour. v. Six (6) Winter Sports Supervisors each of whom shall receive a wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour. w.

Two (2) Dramatics Instructors each of whom shall receive a wage of Two and Dollars ($2.50) per hour. Z. All personnel listed in this Section for whom no wage or salary is indicated shall be paid in accordance with the following hourly rate schedule: College Status Fr. Soph. Jr.

Sr. Degree $1.25 $1.35 $1.45 $1.55 $1.75 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.85 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.95 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 2.00 1.55 1.65 1.75 2.05 1.70 1.80 2.10 1.85 2.15 2.20 mediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor, otherwise from and after the earliest time allowed by Law. Passed: April 21, 1964. Signed: Paul W. Bush, President of Counell.

Attest: James A. Bollinger. Clerk of Council. Approved: Charles H. Scott, Mayor.

Approved as to form: Robert Rath. City Solicitor. (April 29 May 6 '64 I 08381) Classified Begins Here 1-Death Notices POLLOCK, CLARENCE 65, 91. Hillcrest Street, died Sunday at Peoples Hospital. Born April 22, 1899 in Richland County, Ohio.

and was General Manager of the Hughes Supply Company. Surviving are his wife, Mabel McDanel Pollock, one son, Clarence E. Pollock, one daughter, Mrs. Alfred E. Sayers, five grandchildren, one brother, E.

K. Pollock, and five sisters, Mrs. Fred Shrader, Mrs. E. K.

Reynolds, Mrs. Allen Williams, Mrs. Ross Johnston and Mrs. Clark Bailey, Funeral services will be held at the Wappner Funeral Home at 1 p.m. day conducted by, Rev.

William A. Seith. Burial will be made in the Mansfield Memorial Park. Wappner Funeral Directors. TREISCH, MRS.

ANNA 95, widow of John Treisch, of 426 Hammond Avenue, died Monday evening at thhe Woodlawn Nursing Home following a five day illness. Surviving are two sons, Lloyd and Argale Treisch; two grandchildren, Richard Treisch and Mrs. Willeen Gosling; one brother, Norman Sauerbrun. The body was removed to the Wappner Funeral Home where services will be held Thursday at 3:00 p.m. conducted by the Rev.

Coburn C. Vandersall. Burial will be in the Shauck Cemetery, Morrow County, Ohio. Wappner Funeral Directors. 3-In Memoriam IN loving memory of James Anderson who passed away April 29, 1950.

Today recalls sad memories of a loved one gone to rest. And the ones think of him today Are the ones who loved him best. Wife, Viola Anderson Children, Mary Lou and Jimmy Brothers, Alex and Alfred -Funeral Directors 522- the JONES 8111 I MEMORIAL 681 Park Ave. West WAPPNER FUNERAL DIRECTORS 522-5211 GEIGER-HERLIHY Funeral Home 524-5532 Buckeye Oscar M. Plew, 443 Spayer Lane; LarK.

Fry, 128 Bowman Debra L. Ridenour, 1972 Ashland Pamela J. Holsky, Mt. Vernon; Dorrie A. Griffith, East Hanley John Pugh, Marion; Mrs.

Stella Shafer, 277 Bartley Mrs. David Haering, 451 Beethoven Mrs. Roy L. Anderkin, 434 Pearl Joseph L. Duganne, Youngs- town.

PEOPLES HOSPITAL Admissions Wilbur E. Stephenson, .282 West Fifth Mrs. John Murdock, 715 Highland Rita J. Shoulders, 329 Grace Ronald R. Myers, 349 Muth Mrs.

John C. Hamilton, 1342 Bonnie Patricia Kay Sedwick, 479 Ford Mrs. Clare E. Applegate, Fredericktown, RD 3. 1266 Dillon, Mrs.

Fred Releases Clifford Brown, Cliffwood Mrs. Robert Rauzi, Mansfield, RD Mrs. David Cox, Lucas; Mrs. Harold Kurtz, Mansfield, RD Mrs. Virgil Kennedy, Mt.

Vernon. MADISON HOSPITAL Admissions Russell Bell, Reed Rd. Clerk of Council (April 29. May 6, '64 08376) SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Releases, Mary Gary Gimble, Weaver, 498 Woodville Rd. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Richland County.

Ilo Burnell, Plaintiff, vs. Sam COMMON PLEAS COURT. et al, Defendant, Case No. 41.097. In pursuant of an Order of Sale Issued in offer the for above sale at entitled Public action.

Auction. on the second floor of the Court House in the above named County, on Friday, the 15th day of May, 1964 at 10:00 o'clock a. the following described real estate, situated in the County of Richland, and State of Ohio, and in the City of Mansfield to wit: And being Lot Number 1389 of the consecutively numbered lots 229 in East said and being known as First Street, Mansfield, Ohio. Said Premises Located at 229 East First Street, Mansfield, Ohio. Said Premises Appraised at 000.00.

TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Thomas E. Weikel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio. Capt. Jack R.

Bistline, Deputy. McDermott Associates, (April 15-22-29 May 6-13 '64 NJ 08337) LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the estimated assessment of the cost of Sewer District No. 10, West Park Area operating, by constructing. maintaining installing, and repairing sanitary sewer lines, manholed, the and Lots and appurtenances, bene- rited and to be charged therewith as set forth in Resolution No. 61-91, passed 18 April 1961, and Ordinance No.

61-112, passed 26th April, 1961, relating to said Improvement, has been made and reported to Council and. said estimated assessment Is on file in the office of the Clerk of Council of the City of Mansfield. Ohio, for the inspection examination of all persons interested therein. Objections to such estimated ASsessments must be in writing, and must be filed In the office of the Clerk within of two this (2) Notice. weeks to after wit: expiration (5) weeks after the date hereof.

By order of the Council of the City of Mansfield, Ohio. Date: April 23, 1964. James A. Bollinger The State of Ohio, Richland County. COMMON PLEAS COURT.

First National City Bank. vs. W. Simmons, et Defendefendant. Case No.

41,153. In pursuant of an Order of Sale issued in the above entitled action. will offer for sale at Public Auction. on the second floor of the House in the above named County, on Friday, the 1st day of May following 1964, at 10 o'clock A. estate, the described real situated in the County of Richland, and State Mansfield of to Ohio, wit: and in the City And known as Lot Number Sixteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty(No.

16132) of the consecutively numbered Lots as shown at Volume 20, Page 34 of Plats. Said Premises Located at 886 King Street, Mansfield, Ohio. Said Premises Appraised at 900.00. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Thomas Weikel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio.

Weldon. Huston Keyser, Attorney. By Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy.

(April 1-8-15-22-29 '64-J 08290) Births -J 08354) RESOLUTION NO. 64-133 By Mr. McCarrick: GENERAL HOSPITAL Tuesday Son to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bigelow, Mansfield, RD 1.

Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stimmens, 1062 Woodville Rd. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Garcia, 151 West Third St. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Cains, 303 Arbor St. Matthes, 600 AshDaughter, to Mr.

and Mrs. land Rd. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham, Bellville.

Son to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Phillips, 1397 Orchard Park Rd. Son to Mr. and Mrs.

James B. Johnson, 51 Melody Lane. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Richland County. COMMON PLEAS COURT. The Buckeye Savings Association, Plaintiff, VS.

William A. Keesey, et al, Defendant. Case No. 41,206. In pursuant of an Order of Sale I will offer for sale at Public AucIssued in the above entitled action, tion, on the second floor of the Court House in the above named County, on Friday, the 22nd day of May, 1964 at 10 o'clock a.

estate, the following described real situated in the County of Richland, and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Madison to wit: And being known as Lot Number Ninety (90) in Cherry Hills Allotment No, 2 as shown at Volume 17, Page 86 of Plats. Said Premises Located at 803 Ferndale Road, Mansfield, Ohio. Said Premises Appraised at TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Thomas E. Welkel, Sheriff of Richland County, Ohio.

By Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy. Weldon, Huston Keyser, Attorney. (April 22-29 May 6-13-20 '64 NJ 08351) SHERIFF'S SALE OF GOODS CHATTELS ON EXECUTION The State of Ohio, Richland County.

COMMON PLEAS COURT. Mansfield Concrete Supply Company, Plaintiff, vs. Harry W. Sheelev, Defendant. Case No.

JL In pursuant of an Execution issued in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at Public Auction, Shelly Smith's Garage, 350 Ashland Road in the above named County, on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1964 at 10 o'clock a. the following described Goods Chattels, situated in the County of Richland, and State of Ohio, and in the City of Mansfield to wit: 1956 Ford Pickup Truck, Serial No. FLOD6U 55820. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Thomas E.

Weikel, Sheriff of Richland County. Ohio. By Capt. Jack R. Bistline, Deputy.

Richard M. Christiansen, Attorney. (April 22-29 May 1 '64 NJ Authorizing a Public hearing on Petition No. 32, and on a proposed Ordinance predicated thereon which amends the Zoning Code and Zoning Plan for the City of Mansfield, and authorizing the publication of the time and place of said hearing. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OF THE CITY OF MANSFIELD.

STATE OF OHIO: SECTION 1. That a public hearing in the Municipal Courtroom of the City Building of Mansfield shall be held on the second day of June, 1964. at 7:00 o'clock, P. on Petition No. 32 and a proposed Ordinance predicated thereon, which amends the Zoning Code and Zoning Plan for the City of Mansfield, known as Ordinance No.

54-388, and that copies of the text of such Petition No. 32 and the proposed Ordinance predicated thereon, together with maps showing the proposed changes and zoning and the report of the Planning Commission. shall be on file in the office of the Clerk of Council and available for public examination in his office during the thirty (30) days prior to the date of the public hearing. SECTION 2. That the Clerk of Council is hereby authorized and directed to give thirty (30) days Notice by publication of the time and place of the hearing on Petition No.

32 and the proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Code and Zoning Plan for the City of Mansfield. Ohio, in a manner provided by law, and to give at least twenty (20) days written Notice to owners of property within and contiguous to and directly across the street from the parcels being rezoned, all pursuant to the provisions of 0. R. C. Section 713.12.

SECTION 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the earliest time allowed by law. Passed: April 21, 1964. Signed: Paul W. Bush President of Council Attest: James A.

Bollinger, Clerk of Council. Approved. Charles H. Scott, Approved as to form: Robert K. Rath.

City Solicitor. (April 29 May 6 '64 08378) J. H. Finefrock Sons 5-Florists, Funeral Designs SISTEK FLORIST 1034 Lexington Ave. Rd.

755-7076 Leo Stuhldreher Flowers For Every Occasion Park Ave. West Rd. Phone 522-8384 Stuhldreher Floral Company 524-5911 48 W. Fourth Telegraph Flowers" George Miller Floral Co. LARGE football mums.

$1.79 per bunch while they last, 18 North Diamond, 525-0155. 8-Announcements MANSFIELD NEWS JOURNAL ADVERTISING ACCEPTANCE CODE All advertising shall be truthful, straight-forward and backed by the faithful performance of every offer and claim. Misrepresentation or statements that are false, misleading or exaggerated, either directly or by inference, or that tend to destroy the confidence of either readers or advertisers in Classified Advertising are not acceptable. Each advertisem*nt must constitute a clean-statement of the bonofide offer, proposition or announcement made in good falth. Any violation of this code shall be reason for the publisher to refuse further advertising from the violater until copy is made to conform with the Mansfield News Journal Advertising Acceptance Code.

NEW OFFICES SECURITY ASSOCIATES, INC. 448 South Main at Prospect formerly 608 Walpark Bldg. Investigations-all types, photo evidence, polygraph examinations, burglar fire alarm set-up. 522-1997, nights 793-5196. 9-Miscellaneous Inst.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE TO TRAIN FOR MOTEL MANAGERS New Motels Being Built Every Day. Men, Women and Couples. All ages over 21 needed to fill many jobs created due to the tremendous expansion in the motel industry coast to coast. Training will not interfere with present position, Free nationwide employment placement service plus 2 weeks at modern motel under supervised training. For personal interview write, addressing telephone number and to MODERN MOTEL MANAGEMENT 800 News Journal Name.

City Phone EARN chines. more as a welder. Learn on ma: Gal- Visit Galion Welding School, ion. IT'S EASY to Order an Ad in the NewsJournal Want Ad Pages Phone 522-3311 Just Say "Charge It" 10-Lost Found LOST: BROWN AND BLACK border coland shepherd. Answers to "Megga." Contact 589-3699.

MALE POMERANIAN, answers to the name of Toby. Lost in south end of town. 522-8062. LOST VALUABLE EARRING. Friday evening downtown.

Silver with blue stones. Finder please call 524-5206. 12-Personal will not be responsible for any dehts contracted by anyone other than myself. Hubert Osborn 378 Springmill St. Mansfield, Ohio.

News Journal from Mansfield, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.